[announce] Hörbar: Matheus Souza & Jan Wegmann / Goran Lazarević / Ayse Glass // Tomorrow, 26.02 / 19:00 Doors, 20:00 Concerts

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Di Feb 25 18:13:25 CET 2025

Liebe Freund:innen der Hörbar, dear friends of Hörbar,

Hörbar lädt ein! Hörbar is inviting!

26.02  / 19:00 Doors, 20:00 Concerts
Hörbar: Matheus Souza & Jan Wegmann / Goran Lazarević / Ayse Glass

Matheus Souza (*1997) is a composer, improviser, and performer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His work centers on the composition and performance of electroacoustic music and on free improvisation, spanning a wide range of formats, including solo live electronics, acousmatic music, audiovisual, and mixed music compositions.

Jan Wegmann (*1992 in Stuttgart) is a multimedia artist, composer and performer from Hamburg. Their work focuses on small details, giving them space to unfold and showing overlaps and tensions between different materials. They create drifting structures of layers, sometimes abstract, sometimes ironic, but always combined with the goal of a holistic and concentrated result.

Ayse Glass is a musician/singer/songwriter from Izmir, Turkey. She sings in Turkish, Greek, Hebrew and English, inspired by life with a feminist approach. She has performed in various orchestras, theatres and festivals and also composes music for films. 
https://ayseglassmusic.com <https://ayseglassmusic.com/>  

Goran Lazarević's main spheres of interest lay in live-electronics, microtonal music, free improvisation and computer music, as well brain-computer musical interfaces (BCMI) and cognitive sciences. His works were performed in Germany, Austria, Vietnam and Serbia.Apart from his own work as composer, performer and researcher, Goran Lazarević is a strong believer in the power of education, and is currently working as a project coordinator for the the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) at the University for Music and Drama in Hamburg (HfMT).
Mehr Info/ more info: 

Liebe Grüße und bis morgen :)

Hörbar e.V
Association for experimental music  // Verein für experimentelle Musik
Brigittenstraße 5, 20359 Hamburg
http://www.hoerbar-ev.de <http://www.hoerbar-ev.de/>/ <http://www.hoerbar-ev.de/>
Email: contact at hoerbar-ev.de / Instagram @hoerbar-ev 

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