[announce] Stark Bewoelkt Konzertreihe fur aktuelle Musik

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Mo Mär 27 21:55:17 CEST 2017

Stark Bewölkt – Konzertreihe für aktuelle Musik präsentiert:

Yan Jun / Jun-Y Ciao / Gregory Büttner

Mittwoch, 5. April 2017  – 21:30
Hörbar, Brigittenstr. 5 (Hinterhof)

3 solos: 
– Jun-Y Ciao (Shanghai) – sax
– Yan Jun (Beijing) – feedback & body movements
– Gregory Büttner (Hamburg) – mini soundstations
and a duo:
– Yan Jun & Jun-Y Ciao

 Yan Jun , musician and poet. born in lanzhou in 1973. based in beijing.
currently lives in berlin for artist residency (daad).
he is working on improvised music, experimental music, field recording,
organizing and writing.
alongside of at venues, he goes to audience’s home to play with the
environment and what else available in the room (Living Room Tour project).
and doing noise hypnotizing at any place for small amount of audiences. also
amplifying body movements or other performative elements in a simple manner.
www.yanjun.org <http://www.yanjun.org>

 Jun-Y Ciao , artist, music and sound art practicer,also as
curator/organizer for art/music project,lives and works in Shanghai.
He is member of free music duo “MTDM” (with Tao Yi in 2005) and the founder
of the Free Music Collective of Shanghai ( in 2010 ). He is the member of
artist collective “ZUZHI”(in 2009 ). He was long-term contributing editor of
the “Art World” magazine, started the column “One and Half Tone Music” (from
2009 to 2013).
In 2015 he based the independent art institution “Where is the Zeitgeist?” –
Editing Office

Gregory Büttner  lives and works as a musician and artist in Hamburg. Since
2000 his main focus is on sound art and electroacoustic compositions. He
performed at several festivals and concert series in Europe and China,
composed music for dance and performance, radio, video and sound
installations. In 2004 he launched his label 1000füssler which releases
experimental music in small editions.
www.gregorybuettner.de <http://www.gregorybuettner.de>

Eintritt: 8€/erm 5€
Ort: Hörbar | Brigittenstr. 5, 20359 Hamburg

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