[announce] hörbar

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Sa Mär 11 20:03:55 CET 2017

                                                        HÖRBAR - Konzert
                                       Am 31.März spielen "Sothiac" und 
"Best Friend Machine"
                                       Einlass 21 Uhr Konzert Beginn ca. 
22 Uhr Brigittenstraße 5 im Hinterhof
Sothiac is a new duo project with:
Pat Moonchy on voice, analog synth and electronic acoustic devices.
Lucky Liguori on guitar and gongs.
Moonchy is a singer with extreme vocal range. She use the natural voice 
as instrument with many evocative colours she also able to sing in an 
eerie “double voice”. She is also a musician of research focousing to 
play rare electronic acoustic devices and analog synth.
Liguori is a multi-instrumental composer/arranger, sound engineer.
Both standing out onto music scene since 20 years also to avail 
collaboration with international musicians. and bands like: Faust, Pedda 
Browski, Michele Bernardi, Sawada, Lino Liguori, Dirk Dhonau, Angelo 
Contini, Roberto Aglieri, Matteo Pennese, Amaury Cambuzat, Marcello 
Busato and many more. https://sothiac.bandcamp.com/

                  Best Friend Machine - Noise aus Hamburg 

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