[announce] Das Konzert im Januar

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Mo Dez 5 13:47:41 CET 2011


verein zur förderung experimenteller musik

brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)

20359 hamburg

tel : 040 / 430 58 67

(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)


*Das Programm im Januar 2012*

Am Freitag, den 27. Januar 2012 werden zwei international renommierte
Künstler in der Hörbar auftreten:


centrozoon is a group of people (currently working as a trio) that is
interested in the creation of music in experimental settings. it has
existed in several forms for more than fifteen years. current members are
Bernhard Wöstheinrich (synthesizers, electronics), Markus Reuter (guitars,
electronics) and Tobias Reber (guitars, electronics).

>From the beginning of centrozoon, the group has had an interest in
"experimental" music not only in improvised sound experiments but also in
the improvisation of form and structure - improvisation beyond the
individual sounding moment. music as an exploration of possibilities and
extremes, playing with boundaries.

centrozoon has played concerts and appeared live on air in the USA, UK,
Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Germany. notable appearances
include concerts at the Ars Electronica 2004 Festival (Linz, A), Virtual
Arts Day (Helsinki, SF) and a UK Tour including performances at Burning
Shed Nights (Norwich, UK).

2011 sees the release of "boner", another dive into unexplored territory
and impossible combinations of references, where dozens of hours of music
are distilled into an endlessly deep texture of frightening as well as
captivating moods.

experiences in a face-to-face social context. As a consequence we suggest a
simplistic performance setup where musicians and audience co-exist in a
single space.

"Humour is not permitted." - Robert Fripp

"Humor is kermitted." – Bibbiboo

*Pierce Warnecke (Berlin)*

Pierce Warnecke’s work stems from his interest in the effects of time on
matter: modification, deterioration and disappearance. Via an almost
scientific process of collecting, filtering and combining phenomena
(objects, data, sounds, images), he distills the subject via repetitive
processes until it approaches true abstraction.

Whether focus is on the purity of digital forms or the chaotic grit of
natural objects, large scales of time and space or microscopic detail, the
goal of Pierce’s work is to readapt existing materials into a parallel
context where their signified meanings, symbols and cultural connections
have become residual ghosts.

Sound works explore combinations of pure synthetic sounds, electronic
interferences, field recordings and manipulations of found objects.
Textural, drone, noise, electronic and improvised music are areas of
interest, explored through solo works and collaborations. Video is created
in real-time, recorded, or generated and uses found items and moments: data
sets, organic matter and microscopic textures to create dense patterns and
contrasting forms.

Born in California, Pierce studied and worked for 10 years in France before
moving to Boston to attend the Berklee College of Music. He now lives in
Berlin where he works as a programmer and sound designer.

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