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<table class="moz-email-headers-table" border="0" cellpadding="0"
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Betreff:
<td>konzert oktober</td>
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Datum: </th>
<td>Fri, 16 Oct 2015 21:11:11 +0200</td>
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">Von: </th>
<td>V.Havlik <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:renoise@gmx.net"><renoise@gmx.net></a></td>
<th align="RIGHT" nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE">An: </th>
<td><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:hoerbar-announce-owner@lists.hoerbar-ev.de">hoerbar-announce-owner@lists.hoerbar-ev.de</a></td>
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                            <font face="Baghdad">Einladung zum H</font>örbar
- Konzert am Freitag den 30. Oktober :<br>
                           Einlass 21 Uhr in der Hörbar
Brigittenstraße 5 / Hinterhof<br>
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<font face="Baghdad">Â Â Â Â Â <br>
</font>Â Â Â Â Â Â David Wallraf:<br>
      David Wallraf lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg. Seine Konzerte
sind akustische Modelle möglicher<br>
      Fluchtbewegungen aus den Eingrenzungen von Genrekategorien.
Sie bewegen sich in den<br>
      Zwischenräumen von Noise und Struktur, Fieldrecordings und
Elektroakustik, Differenzierung <br>
      und Verdichtung. <br>
      Prozesse und deren Unterbrechung werden gegeneinander in
Stellung gebracht, die daraus<br>
      entstehenden Strukturen sind, abgesehen von der Auswahl der
Klangerzeuger, spontan.<br>
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     Tjong Pow:<br>
     Tjong Pow is an improvisation project by Laurens van der Wee
[NL] and Eliad Wagner [IL]. <br>
     The duo leads the listener through their feedback induced
daydreams and creates a collage of<br>
     freeform electronic music events by playing an
interconnected hybrid electronic instrument.<br>
     Bizarre and highly captivating.<br>
     By using tools and techniques from the improvised music
practice while borrowing from <br>
     the sound world and principles of musique concrète, Tjong
Pow builds bridges between <br>
     human physicality and mechanical behavior. The result is an
amalgam of sonic events, <br>
     forced into place by the actions of the two performers on
     All music is fully improvised, without any planning or
composition beforehand, <br>
     other than our personal skills, experience, preferences and
        <img shrinktofit="true" overflowing="true"
src="cid:part3.00000906.02030802@gmx.net" alt=""><font
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