[announce] Hörbar Newsletter March / Drei Konzerte: 19.3, 26.3 und 28.3
Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen
hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Do Mär 13 09:50:45 CET 2025
Liebe Freund:innen der Hörbar, dear friends of Hörbar,
Hörbar lädt ein! Hörbar is inviting!
Im März stehen 3 spannende Konzerte auf dem Programm! In March we will have 3 exciting concerts coming up!
19.03 / 19:00 Doors, 20:00 Concerts
Hörbar: Lecture/Concert - The "Learning Dan Bau” project with Ngô Trà My, Tam Thi Pham, and Jan Wegmann
The “Learning Dan Bau” project was founded and is led by the composer Tam Thi Pham. It started in 2019, is still ongoing and has garnered attention of music lovers not only here in Germany, but also in Vietnam and in the US. Dan Bau is a traditional Vietnamese instrument and is considered one of the most unique instruments in the world because of its simple structure, special performing style and sound production method. The sound of the Dan Bau comes from the harmonics of its single string, combined with the use of the rod to tense or loosen it and to create different pitches with attractive and unique timbre, so close to the tone of Vietnamese language. The project is aimed at anyone who loves this instrument and wishes to learn to play Dan Bau by themselves.
In the first part of the event, the Dan Bau artists Ngo Tra My and Tam Thi Pham will give a summary of the project, from basic techniques, though folk and traditional music, to new compositions. The artists will also touch on a couple of important music styles, characteristic for different regions of Vietnam. The second part of the event will be an improvisation section of the guest artist Jan Wegmann, a clarinetist, synthesizer player, and composer, together with two đàn bầu players Tam Thi Pham and Ngo Tra My.
More information: https://www.vamh.de/gigs/5161
26.03 / 19:00 Doors, 20:00 Concerts
Hörbar: Moxi Beidenegl / William “Bilwa” Costa
William “Bilwa” Costa is a conceptual artist who works with sound, and visual arts contexts. His work includes: performance, experimental/electro-acoustic music, noise, sound art, un/natural field recordings, graphic scores and conceptual structures. In his concerts, or “sound saunas”, he incorporates psychoacoustics and auditory illusions including: phasing, beating, cancellation, etc., using a range of sine tones.In Berlin he organizes experimental music / performance series including: BRŒK, tea/tōn, etc.
For Hörbar Bilwa will create and perform a score based on numbers, specifically the date, as part of his "sound sauna" series. Layers of sine tones, in various frequencies, converge, beat, phase, and oscillate; creating a physically sonic space.
Moxi Beidenegl sings and lives in Hamburg. In her work, in which voice and electronics often come together, she processes and distils a wide variety of influences, ranging from archaic to contemporary. She has also composed radio plays, stage music and film music. She is part of the composers' collective and ensemble Nelly Boyd.
“24 sueños” (24 dreams)
Sometimes “a capella”, sometimes electronic; fragmentary but with an accent on the voice: a kaleidoscope of sounds will unfold with atmospheres in all densities.
More information: https://www.vamh.de/gigs/5160
28.03 / 19:00 Doors, 20:00 Concerts
Hörbar: Gajek / Felix Kubin
Gajek's compositions break open modern genres in oscillating textures of high-energy digital production. Born in the GDR, his music creates space for the emotional echoes of ruptures and discontinuities: Music that is interested in unclear timelines, grief and ecstasy, forgotten youth cultures, hidden fashion codes, personal tragedies and strange haircuts. Since 2014, Gajek has released five studio albums on labels such as STROOM, Infinite Greyscale, Throttle Records and others. He composes music for film, theater, exhibitions and performances, most recently for the critically acclaimed film ‐„Die Ermittlung“ by RP Kahl and the award-winning short film „Es gibt keine Angst“ by Anna Zett. In 2022, Gajek launched the mix series Socialist Realness on the British radio station Resonance Extra, which focuses on electronic music produced in the GDR and shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Gajek has performed at numerous international venues and festivals, including CTM Festival, Berghain, Printworks London, Traumabar and Kino, ADE Amsterdam, Melt Festival, MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many more. Gajek lives and works in Berlin.
Felix Kubin is a composer, creator of radio plays, performer, media artist and curator.
A lovechild of the home recording era (he started to compose electronic 4-track music at the age of 12), his activities span futurist pop, electroacoustic and chamber orchestra music, radio art, lecture performances and writing. In 1998 he founded his own record label Gagarin Records.
Over the last two decades, he has released numerous albums of different conceptual formats and played at well over hundred international contemporary music festivals. The French film artist Marie Losier ("The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye") has shot an award-winning docu-phantasma about him that premiered at Locarno film festival in 2019 and has been shown on ARTE TV and film festivals worldwide.
Felix Kubin likes to move between high and low culture, clubs and concert halls, as his main concern is the shifting of contexts and expectations.
http://felixkubin.com <http://felixkubin.com/>
More information: https://www.vamh.de/gigs/5180
Liebe Grüße and see you at the Hörbar!
Kind regards,
Hörbar e.V
Association for experimental music // Verein für experimentelle Musik
Brigittenstraße 5, 20359 Hamburg
http://www.hoerbar-ev.de <http://www.hoerbar-ev.de/>/ <http://www.hoerbar-ev.de/>
Email: contact at hoerbar-ev.de / Instagram @hoerbar-ev
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