[announce] Konzert Hoerbar am 27.07.2022 Sonopol#24

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Mo Jul 25 14:55:44 CEST 2022

[image: VAMH Logo] <https://www.vamh.de/>

Mi, 27.07.2022, 21:00 Uhr sonopol#24: Jeff Surak, Kris Kuldkepp, Roomet
Jakapi [image: sonopol#24: Jeff Surak, Kris Kuldkepp, Roomet Jakapi]

1. Set: Jeff Surak - electronics 2. Set: Kris Kuldkepp - bass guitar +
electronics Roomet Jakapi – vocals, electronics, found objects Based in
Washington DC, Jeff Surak has been a fixture within the experimental
community for many years, curating the Sonic Circuits festival (RIP),
programming for RhizomeDC, and running his own zeromoon label. His own work
manifests non-linear narratives through lo-fi techniques and archaic
technologies. https://zeromoon.bandcamp.com
https://publiceyesore.bandcamp.com/album/eris-i-dysnomia Kris is Hamburg
based free improviser performing on double bass, bass guitar, and
live-electronics. She is a feminist performer and artist. Kris is currently
completing doctoral studies at Hamburg University of Applied Science where
she researches spatial sound, free improvised music, and posthumanism. She
is a close collaborator of opera director Lisa Pottstock with whom she
develops feminist performances focusing on finding new way of dealing with
body, materiality, and sound. https://www.kristinkuldkepp.net Roomet Jakapi
is an avant-garde vocalist and free improviser based in Estonia. Jazzwise
has called him a "highly alternative Bobby McFerrin being." He has perfomed
with Rieko Okuda, Antti Virtaranta, Guilherme Rodrigues, Emilio Gordoa, Elo
Masing, Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen, Tom Blancarte, Chris Pitsiokos, Fred
Frith, Mart Soo, Jerzy Mazzoll, Sławek Janicki, Roman Stolyar, Taavi
Kerikmäe, Niels Præstholm, Theodore Parker, Jukka Kääriäinen, Ilia
Belorukov and many other excellent improvising musicians. He is also
Associate Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Tartu.
https://sites.google.com/site/rjakapi/ Kindly supported by VaMH

*Eintritt:* 7 euro
*Ort:* Hörbar | Brigittenstr. 5 <https://www.vamh.de/clubs/11>

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