[announce] konzert 28.07.17

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Mo Jul 10 22:56:25 CEST 2017

                                        HÖRBAR - KONZERT  am Freitag 
28.Juli 2017
                            Brigittenstraße 5 im Hinterhof. Einlass 21 
Uhr  Konzertbeginn 22Uhr

                                        Diesesmal kommt "Sterile Garden" 
aus den USA
                                              Jacob DeRaadt mit zwei 
                                       (amplified metal percussion, tape 

                                                  hier eine kurze 
Selbstbeschreibung :
                  I've been active in the experimental/performance art 
scenes for over 10 years with my project, Sterile Garden,
                  Sterile Garden focuses on the intersection of 
geographical psychology and industrial decay through the mediums
                 of tape manipulation, field recording, and amplified 
metal percussion.
                 To reinforce the sound collages, we often incorporate 
video and performance art into our live performances.
                 We've toured the United States three times, and have 
performed at national festivals
                 such as Ende Tymes Festival of Abstract Liberation and 
Denver Noise Fest.

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