[announce] Konzert 12.10.16
Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen
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So Okt 2 20:22:05 CEST 2016
Sorry liebe Leute, fälschlicherweise wurde B`tong anstelle von Sindre
Bjerga angekündigt.
Hörbar Konzert am Mittwoch 12.10.16
Sindre Bjerga und HaKON LIE
Einlass wie gewohnt um 21 Uhr in der Brigittenstraße 5 (Hinterhof)
Sindre Bjerga <https://www.facebook.com/sindre.bjerga> (Collage,
Experimental / psychedelic drone / collage music from Norway. SINDRE
BJERGAI has been touring all over Europe, also Russia, Ukraine,
Argentina and Japan for many years and has released close to 200 records
on labels all over the world. He also runs the Gold Soundz label.
www.sindrebjerga.wordpress.com <http://www.sindrebjerga.wordpress.com/>
HåKON LIE (Abstract, Experimental /NOR)
Håkon Lie has been playing his broken records, distorted tapes and metal
objects for some years now. He has been playing his fragmented live sets
all over southern Norway. This is his first Hamburg performance.
https://www.facebook.com/hakon.lie.7 <https://www.facebook.com/hakon.lie.7>
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