[announce] Radio Gagarin Konzert 12. April 2015 im FSK

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Mi Apr 8 18:58:50 CEST 2015

Radio Gagarin präsentiert:

Plurals (Ambient/Drone - UK)

Tiefstack (FastDoom//zweiter Hamburg Auftritt ever - Legende/HH) Man beachte die Programmänderung!

Pausenbeschallung: Jetzmann (Radio Gagarin/HH). Man könnte sich ja mal in Ruhe alle Aphex Twin Soundcloud Postings anhören!?!?

Ort: Fsk 93.00 mhz, Eimsbüttler Chaussee 21/3. stock, foyer

Datum: Sonntag, 12. April 2015

Einlass: 21.00 uhr

"Plurals formed in 2007 and have since released 12” LPs on labels such as Dead Pilot, Oaken Palace and Southern Records. In 2011 they toured the UK with the Canadian doom duo Nadja and recorded a Latitudes session with their guitarist Aidan Baker, released in 2013 as 'Glass Crocodile Medicine'. In the UK they have performed at Fort Process, Supernormal and Recon Festivals, and played alongside bands such as Rangda (Sun City Girls/Six Organs of Admittance/Flower-Corsano), Master Musicians of Bukkake, Eternal Tapestry,&nb sp;Vibracathedral Orchestra, and Manu Delago. They are donating all sales of their latest album ‘Bugenès Melissae’ to environmental charities.

All Plurals performances and recordings are fully improvised, using guitar, synths and keys, vocals, tape machines, CB radio and various reed and stringed instruments."


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