[announce] Hoerbar

Hörbar e.V. - Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen hoerbar-announce at lists.hoerbar-ev.de
Di Mär 17 17:34:59 CET 2015

Hörbar Konzerte im März :

Am Mittwoch den 25.03.2015  -  Dave Phillips und Anemone Tube

Am Freitag den 27.03.2015  -  in der Veranstaltungsreihe "Stark Bewölkt"

Adam Asnan / Gregory Büttner / sowie Hans Schütter & Costa Gröhn

Alles wie gewohnt in der Hörbar Brigittenstaße 5 (im Hinterhof)

Einlass um 21.00 Uhr Konzertbeginn ca.22.00 Uhr

weitere Informationen unter www.hoerbar-ev.de

*Dave Phillips* is a sonic activist, composer, performer and researcher 
based in Zürich, Switzerland. born in Zug, Switzerland in early 1969 to 
a french mother and an english father.

is impressed by the Goons, Spike Jones and Stan Freberg in his infant 
years. after discovering metal as a pre-teen and hardcore punk in his 
early teens dp expands on the DIY idea and starts dabbling in sonic 
autodidactics. in 1987 he co-founds hardcore-extremists Fear Of God 
<http://www.fearofgod.ch> who exist for a mere 18 months (and people 
still go on about 'em).

subsequently continuing solo dp experiments with the voice and develops 
an interest in body and concrete sounds, field recordings and the still 
prevalent search for experiences and phenomena that test and cross 
borders, habits, inhibitions and conventions.

www.davephillips.ch/ <http://www.davephillips.ch/>

*Anemone Tube* was founded 1996 in South-Germany; since 2010 based in 
Berlin. The audio works of Anemone Tube are a unique blend of dark 
ambient/noise, industrial and soundart with a strong psychogenic impact. 
The use of constantly shifting and altering sounds and moods is possibly 
one of the most intruiging things about the audio creations of Anemone Tube.

Since 2007 Anemone Tube has been working on "The Suicide Series". To 
this fieldrecordings made in China and Japan build a conceptional basis. 
In a poetic way Anemone Tube combines analytical realism of the 
phenomenal world with buddhist psychology and nihilist rhetoric 
influenced by the works of Michael Haneke, Hayao Miyazaki, H.P. 
Lovecraft, Yukio Mishima and J. G. Ballard.


*Adam Asnan*, electroacoustic music – Solo Set
+ Duo mit*Gregory Büttner*, computer, objects, external speakers, fan

*REflux‘* Oldies Scratch Night: *Hans Schütter* – Theremin, Ribbon 
Controler, Spielsachen *Costa Gröhn* – gescratchte CDs und Rückkopplungen

Bild zu Stark Bewölk & Unüberhörbar: Adam Asnan

*Adam Asnan*
is a composer-performer of electroacoustic music and location sound 
recordist, based between London and Berlin. He acquired his MA in 
electroacoustic composition under the supervision of Denis Smalley in 
2009. Adam’s work promotes the aesthetic potential of fixed (recorded), 
amplified sound, and the auditory ‘image’ subject to intervention, 
disruption or disintegration.
His compositions, live performances and collaborative projects have been 
presented across Europe, with recordings published by Entr’acte, Senufo 
Editions, Foredoom, Porta, 1000füssler, Consumer Waste, Second Sleep, 
Holidays Records, Wasted Capital Since 2013, Reductive Music, and 
Organised Music from Thessaloniki. Adam is one third of VA AA LR with 
Vasco Alves and Louie Rice.
www.adamasnan.tumblr.com <http://www.adamasnan.tumblr.com>

*Gregory Büttner*
lebt und arbeitet als Musiker und Künstler in Hamburg. Sein Fokus im 
Bereich Klangkunst und Elektroakustische Komposition.
www.gregorybuettner.de <http://www.gregorybuettner.de>

aus Hamburg sind Helden aus einer anderen Zeit. REflux recyclen 
verbrauchte Beats generationenübergreifend. Costa Gröhn bearbeitet seine 
umfangreiche CD-Kollektion mit feinen Nadeln. Die so absichtsvoll 
zerkratzten Oberflächen lassen verschobene Rhythmen und Zufallsounds 
entstehen, tanzbar und transparent. Das Theremin von Hans Schüttler ist 
eingebunden in ein analoges Modulesystem. Heftige Moves erzeugen 
filigrane Sounds. Die elektronischen Spielsachen versetzen den Performer 
in Ekstase. Hans Schüttler und Costa Gröhn verbinden Performance, Zufall 
und Retro-CDs zu einem gediegen rebellischen Klangereignis. Der Tanz um 
die goldene CD erlebt seinen Höhepunkt.
www.hansschuettler.de <http://www.hansschuettler.de>
www.gruenrekorder.de/?page_id=15 <http://www.gruenrekorder.de/?page_id=15>

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