[announce] Das Konzert im Oktober
Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e
Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e
Do Sep 4 15:32:56 CEST 2008
verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)
Das Konzert im Oktober
Am Freitag, den 31. Oktober 2008 wird es in der Hörbar - Brigittenstraße 5 – ein Abend mit dem Frankfurter Label Grünrekorder geben.
Der Einlass ist wie immer um 21.00h
E l e m e n t s — A Phonographic Tour
Soundscapes from
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (India)
and Lasse-Marc Riek (Germany)
The god of small things tells us to love smaller objects in this world.
A piece of stone lying by the street, a yellow leaf after a late-spring
leaf-storm, a lone ant on the directionless wall trying to find his
fellows, an insect making vibration in her breathing, a drop of water on
used floor, a car horn in a windy highway, creak of an unsure door…
every such object talks of the elementary details of the life we live
by. We, the fallen angels try to connect ourselves to the place we left
and forever long to return, when we concentrate, observe, hear and
listen deeply to the sound of god through the objects around us, yes,
just around us. E l e m e n t s is a tribute to our hearing abilities,
to our endangered sense of loving minute, fragile sounding-souls waiting
for empathetic attention.
29.10.08 Berlin
30.10.08 Dresden
31.10.08 Hamburg
07.11.08 Arhus
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (India)
budhaditya is an audio practitioner; he works with filmsound,
phonography, soundscapes and field recording; also involved with
restoration, digital archiving and preservation of sound by
high-definition transfer, critical noise reduction, sound quality
engineering and remastering; thus he maintains his association with old
media to find its reinterpretative value in the new media environment;
his soundscapes involve found sound punctuated by artistic attention and
aesthetic selection followed by digital manipulation; work with sound
generally focuses on site specific audio essays, sound narratives and
mixed media installations within the open framework of new media art;
addresses issues like sound and environment, sound memory, aural
anthropology, acoustic ecology and lost/endangered sounds; on a larger
context his audioworks wish to raise questions and formulate dialogue
over the visual hegemony prevailing in media arts. Publications: M12,
Gruenrekorder, SoundLAB
Lasse-Marc Riek (Germany)
The work of Lasse-Marc Riek is an assemblage of the most diverse styles
and techniques. His interdisciplinary productions are shaped by elements
of the fine arts, phonography, environmentalism, performance, sound-art
and conceptual art. These productions are situated in a tight
relationship with one another.
In the domain of Phonography Riek's focus rests on acoustic ecology and
bio-acoustics by means of field recordings of both society and nature.
Member of the European Forum Klanglandschaft (FKL)
Co-founder of the label “Gruenrekorder”: reservoir for sound-artists
specialised on soundscapes and field recordings.
Since 1999
Releases, Concerts, Installations, Exhibitions, Residencies and Lectures
in Europe, Japan and Africa.
Riek works and lives with his family in Germany.
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