[announce] Das Konzert im August

Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e
So Jul 6 11:56:51 CEST 2008

verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)

Das Konzert im August

Am 29. August wird es in der Hörbar zwei Konzerte von weit gereisten Musikern geben. 
Der Einlass ist wie immer um 21,00 Uhr.

mel mann (Argentinien)
is the solo project of musician Nicolás Melmann. 
With one record released, the second on its way, and producing music for theatre, 
mel mann  uses purely electronic resources with sounds of organic instruments. The result: " nocturnal and introspective music" in song form. In live shows selected images from artists such as Nan Goldin, Nobuyoshi Araki, Francis Bacon, acompany his permormative adventure, cementing his audiovisual aesthetics and recontextualising both sound, image and the sensations that lie in the boundary between both. 

His most apparent influences include Low, Coil, Four Tet, while the visual and audio explorations that go on behind these nourish both the visceral and the intellectual sensations of mel mann’s music. To hear his music: 

melmanns at gmail.com

Aide Auditive (Frankreich)
Created in 2006, *Aide Auditive*, formed by Matohawk and MysthR, will
not stop surprising us. Armed with their laptops and various kinds of
controllers (joystick, sensitive mat, etc.), these two adept artists of
computer era favor a live performance based on improvisation. They
develop their own programs and use various open source software, thus
exploring new tones and electronic music. Booming bass, stripping noise,
embellished with a sweet and appeasing sonorous landscape of incessant
down-tempo rhythms this music evolves wherever their moods carry it.
Beyond the created sounds, a true complicity has been established and
feeds their inspiration. « Implant Cochléaire », their first album
released with the netlabel Antiblues, reflects these uncompromising


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