[announce] Das Konzert im November

Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e
Do Okt 4 14:16:46 CEST 2007

verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)

Das Konzert im November

Am Freitag, den 30. November veranstaltet die Hörbar ein Konzert mit zwei internationalen Projekten. Es treten zuerst aus Polen Kim Nasung und Dress 
einzeln und dann gemeinsam auf , danach folgt ein beachtenswerter Musiker aus der Schweiz, der sich in Berlin niederließ: Gilles Aubry 
Der Einlass ist wie immer um 21.00h.

Kim Nasung und Dress (Polen)

Kim Nasung

Exploring world inside the closet,
Fog asking questions, rain bringing answers...
A combination of noise and musique concrete,
sonic experiments, explorations of any kind of music sources...

An artist exploring the fields of the experimental music, noise, musique concrete and field recordings;
Cooperating with IHM Records and Lona Records,
is one of the foundators of the Mind Twisting Records.
At present, active on the local Lublin experimental music’ scene.

Among others, he performed with Zavoloka ( UKR ), Emiter ( PL ), XVP ( PL ), Thaw ( PL ), An on bast ( PL ), Jacaszek ( PL ),
Fenschu ( FR ), Hati (PL), Arszyn (PL), Wolfram (PL),
Patryk Zakrocki (PL).
The artists with whom he coopereates come from all over the world:
Denmark, Belgium, Mexico, Chile, Hong Kong  etc.


is a founder and the main initiator of IHM records.
The creator and the main manager of Centrala Club in Lublin.
Thanks to him Lublin was visited by following artists Zbigniew Karkowski, Dikson Dee, swedish duet Agape, Arszyn, Wolfram, Komora A,Emiter etc.

The listeners of his music variations can experience and notice not only his specific approach but also thoughtfull and full of order structures, which are attracting listeners attention with precision and caring about sophisticated details.
He loves everything diverted, dirty and in all frequencies...

Gilles Aubry (Schweiz/Berlin)

is a Swiss sound  artist & computer musican based in Berlin since 2002.
In his soiund work he uses field recordings, improvisation and generative techniques to create environmental compositions at the border of space representation an musical abstraction.

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