[announce] Der Oktober
Konzert- und andere Ankndigungen des Hrbar e
Konzert- und andere Ankndigungen des Hrbar e
Do Sep 6 16:45:40 CEST 2007
verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)
Im Oktober werden gleich mehrere empfehlenswerte Veranstaltungen stattfinden:
Datum: Do., 4.10. 07
- Radio Gagarin Festival / Ort: Rote Flora Uhr: 21.00 Uhr Ihr habt bereits eine Ankündigung für diesen Abend bekommen, daher nur noch ein kleiner Vermerk am ende der Mail
- Die Noise Factory eröffnet wieder ihre Tore: Dazu gibt's einen Flyer als Dateianhang. Näheres erfährt man unter http://www.y-ton-ge.de
- Und natürlich das Hörbarkonzert im Oktober mit Schwedischen und Weißrussischen Künstlern.
Doch der Reihe nach.
Das Konzert im Oktober
Am Freitag, den 26. Oktober 2007 wird es in der Hörbar - Brigittenstraße 5 - wieder zwei Konzerte geben.
Der Einlass ist wie immer um 21.00h
Vlad Buben (Weißrussland)
Musician, promoter, creator of some radio and art projects. Created
some musician groups and projects in different styles (wavering between
industrial, noise experimental and trip-hop, electro clash,deep house).
Labels around the world released Vladislav Buben records: Beergut
recordings(U.K.), Dreamlandrecordings (Australia), Roil noise(U.S.A),
Agressive guerilla records (Holland), Redstar budapestrecords (Hungary),
PravDaDA org.(Holland), System hang(Singapure), Black orchid(Chech), Dis
production (Belarus), Invasion wrechords(Belarus), D.A.C.records(Ukraine)
e.t.c. The musician played his gigs in Hungary, Belgium, Germany,
Netherlands, Austria.
Herman Münzing (Schweden)
Herman Müntzing
Musician, composer and educator
Born in Stockholm, Sweden 1964. Attended the Royal Academy of Music in the late eighties and has since his graduation transformed from a straight jazz/rock bass player into a more broadminded sound artist, working mainly in the fields of improvised and experimental music.
Since the late nineties, his life as a musician includes different Swedish and international groups. Giving concerts in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, UK, Iceland, Belgium, France, and Holland. Collaborations with Phil Minton, Eugene Chadbourne, Martin Küchen, Andreas Axelsson, Peter Nilsson, Dror Feiler, Rex Caswell, Sten Sandell, Mats Gustavsson, Raymond Stridh, Johannes Bergmark, Stefan Östersjö, Amit Sen, Kjell Nordesson,
He is giving lectures/workshops in many different situations, often striving for a new approach to the boundaries between sound, noise and music. “Creative sound research”, “graphic notation” and “building experimental musical instruments” is example of workshops he has led several times. The interest in expanding the common thoughts about the qualifications for a “real” musical instrument, made him search for new sounds in the everyday surroundings, exploring casual objects and their own unique sound qualities. Eventually this research made him create the “flexichord”, a 12-stringed experimental musical instrument made out of strings and pickups from two electric guitars attached to a horizontal solid piece of wood. Performing the flexichord invites him to prepare and play the instrument with different materials and objects like rubber, stones, glass, metal, sawblades etc. Combining this with electronics and sampling shows the essence in his aesthetics.
Current projects includes:
Sound of Mucus (with Martin Küchen and Andreas Axelsson)
ChadKlappMuntz (w. Eugene Chadbourne and Martin Klapper)
Müntzing/Sandell (w. Sten Sandell)
Press voices on Sound of Mucus CD ”Filth Pharmacy”
“the band’s sound owes much of its distinctiveness to the string textures created by Herman Müntzing – who has played with American guitarist Eugene Chadbourne – from his self-invented flexichord and his sampler”
Ken Waxman, One Final Note, June 2005
“ this is improvisation on the brink of a cliff. You were afraid to jump but once you do, it’s a feeling of utter freedom and ecstacy.”
Tom Sekowski, GA-ZETA, March 2005
”Sound of Mucus is trying to liberate these sounds so this homemade comic improv has a serious purpose. Their genius is that these worldly effects don´t come across as documentary”
Andy Hamilton, The Wire, April 2005
Wie oben angekündigt möchte ich auf ein alljährliches Ereignis aufmerksam machen:
Die Noise Factory (17. Oktober bis 24. Oktober) bietet MusikerInnen wiedereinmal
eine Möglichkeit, sich im beschaulichen Kartze auszutauschen und gemeinsam Musik zu produzieren. Zudem ist ein Abschluss-Konzert am 26. Oktober 2007 in der Hörbar
geplant. Näheres unter http://www.y-ton-g.de
Und last not least:
Radio Gagarin Festival
Ort: Rote Flora
Uhr: 21.00 Uhr
Datum: Do., 4.10. 07
Radio Gagarin, das Fachmagazin für Krach, Elektroakustik und Marderfraß
(FSK, jeden 2. und 4. Freitag, 20.00 Uhr) hat schon wieder eingeladen:
Hughes/Scherzberg/Wiese (Rocket no.9, Tripwire, Nordzucker und
Antiinformation) holen merkwürdige Dinge aus den Orginalinstrumenten
Saxophon und Standbass.
Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen!
Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer
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