[announce] Die Hörbar im März

Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e Konzert- und andere Ankündigungen des Hörbar e
Di Jan 30 20:55:20 CET 2007

verein zur förderung experimenteller musik
brigittenstraße 5 (im b-movie)
20359 hamburg
tel : 040 / 430 58 67
(mittwochs 20-1 uhr)

Die Hörbar im März

Am Freitag, den 30.03.2007, 21:30 Uhr veranstaltet die Hörbar ein Konzert im Rahmen des Blurred Edges Festival (ein Festival für aktuelle Musik in Hamburg, das 2006 vom Verband für aktuelle Musik Hamburg ins Leben gerufen wurde und die umfangreiche Spannbreite innovativer zeitgenössischer Musik präsentiert: Komponierte Musik, Improvisation, Elektronik, Klangkunst, Avantgarde- Djing und Laptopbastler sind vertreten.)
Diesmal dabei sind:

JAZKAMMER [John Hegre + Lasse Marhaug] (Norwegen)::: Concert for Broken
Guitars and Bass Amp

ROB CURGENVEN + DEREK HOLZER (Australia/USA) ::: improvisation for field
recordings, prerecorded piano and synthesizer

Since 1998 Norwegians John Hegre and Lasse Marhaug have been making sound
together as Jazzkammer. Debut album "Timex" in 1999 have been followed by a
string of releases on labels like Staalplaat, Abisko, Xerxes, Smalltown
Supersound, Utech, Bottrop-Boy and OHM Records, as well as touring and
playing shows around the world. Remixed by friends on the "Rolex" CD in
2001. Live collaboration CD with Merzbow later the same year. Have done
music for theatre and dance performances. Visited and worked in Singapore
during the SARS-crisis in spring 2003, but survived. Co-produced Maja
Ratkje's "Voice" album in 2002, which was awarded with a price at the Prix
Ars Electronica in 2003. Slightly altered their name to Jazkamer in 2004, to
get rid of the jazz. In 2005 released their complete tour of Japan in a
deluxe cassette box set.

A sensitivity for the acoustic environment characterizes the work of both
Holzer and Curgenven. Each artist has spent years mastering the art of
listening to their surroundings, taking accurate and insightful
registrations of that environment, and thinking carefully about
interventions that could be made within that space. For their set at the
Hoerbar, Curgenven has selected a series of detailed recordings of rural and
urban ambiance, as well as the insides of a grand piano, with which he will
interact with the acoustics of the room. Holzer, in turn, will interact with
this acoustic situation through the application of synthesized frequencies
and textures which can highlight or contrast the overall effect. Deep
listening is deeply rewarded.

Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio,
webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on capturing and
transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban
locations, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as Pure-Data. He has
released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr, and/OAR and Gruenrekorder labels,
and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and
collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl. "One of the central
concepts of my work is that every object and space around us is a recorder.
Each one has collected the resonances of its surroundings for as long as it
has existed. You could call it an acoustic version of particle physics or
genetics, because the idea remains the same--in the smallest details you
will find a representation of the greater whole. My task as a sound artist
is often just to listen, and to listen very closely, to the histories hidden
inside our everyday world." www.umatic.nl/info_derek.html

Working with harmonics and resonance as articulated not only through
instruments/objects, in space and place, but also in time and the
dislocation of the remote, Robert's sound explores slowly shifting layers in
the fabric of what surrounds us. He has released one solo CD for
privatelektro, "cichaczem" (2005), which was described by "disquiet"
magazine as "absolutely beautiful distillations of sound mixing the familiar
textures of field recordings, including falling snow and the period after a
thunderstorm, with hyper-sensitive recordings of a grand piano that suggest
the open spaces only alluded to by most synthesizers". He has completed two
commissions for ABC's Radiophonic Unit (2003, 2006), is included on the
recent "recorded in the fields by..." compilation by "gruenrekorder" (2006)
and his soundtrack to Lezsek Paul's "Terrain der Zeit" has has been included
in screenings at Filmfest Dresden, Germany (2006) and Experyment V
Internation Art Meeting Zbaszyn,Poland (2005). more:

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