Musique Concrete
Heidrun Schramm
heidrun.schramm at
Mon Jun 14 16:59:30 CEST 2004
Di. 15.06. Konzert: Lionel Marchetti + Jerome Noetinger aus Frankreich
+ Vorprogramm: TBC Group
ein Konzert mit den großartigen Lionel Marchetti und Jerome Noetinger
aus Frankreich. Noetinger macht das Metamkine-Label und zusammen mit
Marchetti machen sie Musique Concrete - artige, fantastische Konzerte
nicht mit Computer sondern mit ... zB alten Lautsprechern, Radios,
Antennen, selbstgebautem Kram etc. Auf jeden Fall auch richtig was zum
Im Vorprogramm spielt zum ersten Mal zusammen: TBC Group - die
Kollaboration von TBC (Elektronik) mit Guy Saldanha von Intertronik am
E-Bass. Stilistisch wird sich tbc in kurze noisige improvisationen
eruptiver gewalt und erhabener schönheit bewegen. Noisige elektronik
durch e-bass verstärkt.
in der Astra-Stube, 21.30 Uhr Eintritt: 5.00
Lionel Marchetti is one of a handful of artists who in the mid-to-late
1990s took electroacoustic music out of academic studios and into the
free improvisation ring. A scholar who worked at the CFMI (Lyon) and
GRM (Paris) studios and published a book on acousmatic composer Michel
Chion, Marchetti developed a set-up of microphones and loudspeakers he
uses on stage along with tape recorders, prepared CDs, motors and
radios. He often refers to his "instruments? as an "electroacoustic
contraption.? His live work with Jérôme Noetinger found echoes in the
approach of Swiss and Austrian abstractionists like Voice Crack, Günter
Müller, and Werner Dafeldecker, but Marchetti is mostly active in
France, performing regularly at the club Les Instants Chavirés and at
the festival Musique Action. His studio work encompasses sound collage
Knud Un Nom de Serpent and academic electroacoustics Sirrus, Portrait
d?un Glacier, although the level of poetry and refusal of genre
boundaries in his music puts him closer to Kristoff K.Roll and Luc
Ferrari than Pierre Henry or Bernard Parmegiani.
Marchetti was born in France in 1967. His interest in music resides in
the qualities of sound. He started to experiment by himself and later
discovered the rich French corpus of musique concrète through Xavier
Garcia. From 1989 to 2002 he was attached to the CFMI studios in Lyon
where he still runs workshops. The first large-scale work he created
there was Sirrus (1989-1990, released only in 2001). Following his
encounter with label owner and fellow sound experimentalist Jérôme
Noetinge, he began to release material on Metamkine in 1993, quickly
growing his own voice out of Michel Chion?s influence. Knud Un Nom de
Serpent (Le Cercle des Entrailles) was his first American release on
Intransitive, 2001. Albums began to multiply in 2001. Starting in 1993,
a series of live and improvisation-based projects would run parallel to
his more academic career. The Marchetti-Noetinger duo was the first of
such projects and remains the longest lasting one. From the start their
brand of abstract real-time transformation of sounds hinted at the
lowercase/microsound esthetic that would soon take over avant-garde
circles at the turn of the millennium. The pair has recorded as a duet
Mort aux Vache, 2001 but also as part of larger groups Double Wash with
Voice Crack, an eponymous release with Mathieu Werchowski. The two of
them are also involved in the audio-visual project Le Cube. In
addition, Marchetti performs with the influential improv collective
Archipel (with Emmanuel Petit, Sophie Agnel, Fabrice Charles, Pascal
Bathus, and Werchowski). François Couture 1967 France