Andre Aspelmeier
a.aspelmeier at radylon.com
Mon Mai 19 20:23:54 CEST 2003
> ASTRA-STUBE, 21.30 Uhr
> Di. 20.05. "Die Gesellschaft ist krank" baze.djunkiii
> live: Y O S H I O M A C H I D A [jap]
> concrete sound manipulations and drummings
> ----------
> Yoshio Machida is a musician and visual artist. Born in Japan in 1967.
> He
> has been making his work with theme about "light, memory and echo"
> since
> 1986. In his recorded music, he uses sound of field recordings in
> several
> countries, ethnic musical instruments which he plays, noise, some
> electronics and computer. The pieces in his "HYPERNATURAL" series
> include
> those various sounds. It means that Hypernatural sound is straddling
> fields,
> such as ambient music, experimental music, noise and contemporary
> music.
> That is, Hypernatural is the music which is not bound by the specific
> genre.
> Not only recorded music but Machida is also tackling musical
> activities of
> live music. Machida performs "AMORPHONE"(which he made by his own hand)
> solo, performs with a realtime processing system of MAX/MSP.
> Amorphone is a kind of steel pan, but the timbre is different from
> normal
> one. And the intonation is original one, not 12-tone Equal Temperament
> or
> Just Intonation. Thus, although it goes across his expression medium
> variably, in his work, it is meaningless to connect by force
> "listening" and
> "seeing", or to divide, through genre, sense organs, and the form and
> theory
> for historical positioning. Because the important thing in Machida's
> art is
> feeling the element of expanse (echo) in his work intuitively.
> 1999 CD Box Set : HYPERNATURAL FD Single : AMORPHOUS (Koan Pieces with
> Koan
> software by SSEYO Ltd.) 2001 CD : HYPERNATURAL #2 from softl music,
> Germany
> 2002 CD : compilation album from sub rosa, Belguim CD : compilation
> album
> from Improvised Music from Japan, Japan Forthcoming 2003 CD :
> compilation
> album from Even Stilte, France CD : compilation album from cubic music,
> Japan LP : KONYANKO from softl music, Germany ARTICLE by David Toop
> about
> generative music (excerpts): the wire issue 207 May, 2001 THE
> GAME Yoshio Machida__His 1999 album, Hypernatural, was supplemented by
> the
> release of two floppy disks that remixed the CD tracks wiht SSEYO's
> Koan
> program. "I like to enjoy 'texture' and I was looking for some
> generator
> that makes the texture of a soundscape," Machida writes as an
> explanation of
> how he came to use Koan. "I like to see the changing view of a
> landscape
> through a window of a train or an airplane. Especially,the view from an
> airplane is wonderful.At first I was using ALPS. This is Japanese
> Mac-based
> software. It's very simple but this can generate some phrases by
> itself.
> Then I knew Koan through some info about Eno.I thought, 'Oh,that's
> what I
> want!'. These softwares generate some not-perfect-things by themselves.
> "These textures are unique for me. I want to get some dynamics with
> not only
> my own power but also the other power, I want to keep a balance of
> instinct
> and thought. That's my way.Hypernatural sounds aren't always perfectly
> in
> chaos.It's an amorphous thing, not a crystallised thing.I think what is
> important is the thing between sounds and listener, not only sound.So
> this
> software helps me to make 'amorphous things'. For me, this is similar
> to
> field recording sounds and some analogue sounds. John Cage said he can
> enjoy
> listening to all sounds,except the sound with someone's intention. I
> feel
> so, too"