Zusatz zum Januarkonzert

stefan ebinger s.ebinger at gmx.de
Mit Jan 29 16:30:22 CET 2003

Liebe freunde der experimentellen Musik
ich habe nun doch nooch ein paar Infos zu John Grzinich, wlcher am 31.
Januar zusammenmit Pure aus Wien und "Für diesen Abend" in der Hörbar spielen

John Grzinich is a sound and video artist from the US who lives, 
                        works and travels extensively in Europe. He has
published CDs of his 
                        sound works on European, American and Japanes labels
such as: 
                        Staalplaat, Erewhon, Intransitive, Orogenetics, Pale
Disc and others. 
                        In 2002 he made two extensive tours with a
collection of recent 
                        sound/video works; 'Thermographic Sequences', in
southeast Europe and 
                        the Balkans, then 'Stillness in Time' in Poland and
the Baltics.

                        Since the early 1990s John Grzinich has worked with
sound as an 
                        abstract medium; this includes music compositions,
building of 
                        instruments and the construction of installations.
Over the past two 
                        years I have been working with digital video and
have experimented 
                        with the integration of both video and sound. The
                        compositions are often studies in extended
evolutionary permutations 
                        of a selected set of sound and video sources. The
audio/video medium 
                        is an area for exploring perceptual Onoise1 through
a dynamic 
                        interplay of evolving layers that, over time, yields
                        patterns to be interpreted by the viewer.

                        - - -

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