Radboud Mens"tourlist"
musique_korrekt at staalplaat.com
Mon Okt 9 13:15:15 CEST 2000
Radboud Mens will be playing in London on the 26th of october
at the "291 Gallery" on Hackney Road in East London near Old Street
presenting his new CD "Sine" on staalplaat
on the 27th Radboud Mens will be playing in Enschede at the "Muziekcentrum"
on the
"Planetnoise Festival" from "Planet Art".
Radboud Mens will be playing with Bas Van Koolwijk who will do the vidoe
part of the
Video and audio will be linked together in a feedback loop ;-> audio
signal -> video in -> video signal -> audio in-> audio signal->->->-etc.
on the 29th Radboud Mens will be DJ-ing on the Earational 3 Festival for
music at 's-Hertogenbosch
Radboud Mens
e; <radboud at staalplaat.com>
personal e-mail; <rat at preg.org>
web; http://radiantslab.com/rat
ph; +31 (0)625508761 ~ fax +31 (0)206239281
radio; "earbitten", every wednesday night on Radio 100;
24:00 till 03:00 CET ~ http://desk.nl/~radio100/webcast.ram
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Dateiname : GonzoCircus-Ear3.jpg
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Staalplaat Amsterdam: staalkade 6 1011 JN Amsterdam the Netherlands
P.O.Box 11453 1001GL Amsterdam Tel : +31 (0)20 6254176 Fax: +31 (0)20 6239281
Staalplaat Berlin audio galerie Germany
P.O.Box 540205-10042 Berlin Tel : +49 (0)30 44340290 Fax: +49 (0)30 44340291
Visit: http://www.staalplaat.com