Betty Bombshell
bettybombshell at
Sam Sep 30 23:25:18 CEST 2000
Wednesday, 29, November, 2000 will mark the pilot broadcast of a new show
simply titled- With Low Entropy and Betty Bombshell on Hamburg, Germany's
FSK (Freies Sender Kombinat, an independent, left oriented radio station).
It will feature artists making hard electronic music as well as those
making noise, experimental, and ambient, etc. Also anticipated, are spoken
word and interview sequences.
As co-anchor/coordinator/fan , I would like to personally invite you
to submit new tracks , demos, any sort of stuff you could possibly lend to
the show. Especially welcomed are exclusives- released (if at least, only
initially on our program). Copies sent can be returned at request.
Interested? For more information, drop me a line at
bettybombshell at
Already decided to send something my way? Here's the address:
Radio Submissions/LP
C/o Berner
St. Benedictstr. 23a
20149 Hamburg, Germany
Im looking forward to your reply and contributions!!!
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