Wtr: Bitte schnellstens weiterleiten!
Hoerbarebinger at aol.com
Hoerbarebinger at aol.com
Fre Mai 26 10:44:55 CEST 2000
In einer eMail vom 25.05.00 15:29:14 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit schreibt
gagarin at iworld.de:
<< Hi,
There will be a webcast People Like Us set on "Totally Wired", Surf FM in
Brighton tomorrow night - Wednesday, at midnight British time. You can
in on the web at http://www.festivalradio.co.uk
There will be one phone line directly into the desk, and we would welcome
your calls. Remember, wear headphones and have your samples ready...
expect a verbal response though!
The number is +44 (0)1273 387107 - please call if you can!
People Like Us >>
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Von: unbekannter Sender
Betreff: kein Betreff
Datum: kein Datum
Größe: 38
URL: https://lists.hoerbar-ev.de/pipermail/hoerbar-announce/attachments/20000526/5f36fa0c/attachment.mht